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How Do We Make Tax Simple and Enjoyable?

With an ambition to support drivers manage their finances better while on the move, Wise saw an opportunity to help. They designed and created the Beamin App – a digital accountant to help drivers invoice, manage their in goings and tax out goings and reward them with the Beamin boost monthly. Born Ugly worked with Wise and created a brand with a positive story to tell and an engaging, simple, interactive experience to stop tax being taxing. The App has recently launched in the UK and we are hoping it will go from strength to strength in 2024.

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The Challenge                                                                                                                                                 

For the self employed, tax can be a mine field. Trying to keep up with compliance and complex financial demands is overwhelming. There’s often not enough time for drivers to get the job done without worrying about the small print. With tax being an almost impenetrable world, the self employed often resort to sourcing accountants or just not facing into doing it at all. 

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The Insight

Given the subject matter is tax, we needed to create something simple, transparent, friendly, positive and upbeat to make Beamin shine a light on tax, making it clear, concise and welcoming. It automates the background stuff you don’t need to know and delivers the essential information you need in a simple form. It brings you along for the ride, puts you in the driving seat and delivers that beamin’ feelin’.

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The Solution

We introduced the Beamin money pot that constantly updates as and when your money does. Full oversight and transparency of your tax in goings and out goings – all in one place, in one pot. The Beamin app swaps the familiar and formulaic for the interactive and responsive. Bringing together cues of gamification and wellness, Beamin shines a new perspective on taking care of your tax. Users are motivated to keep their pot healthy and maintain its healthy glow. The money pot concept was so simple and immediate that it inspired the development team to create a new disruptive platform, influenced by the principle of the Beamin money pot. The entire brand - from identity to interactive icons – is full of life, movement and glowing positivity.

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Find your Ugly Truth